Policy Impacts
Evaluating AI preparedness in Africa.
Economist Impacts ⤴Evaluating AI impacts in emerging economies
Data Governance
Towards A Fair and Equitable Data Ecosystem for Low Resource Languages.
Preserving Languages ⤴Transfer learning capabilities and contextuality to dissapearing languages.
Factored Cognition⤴How to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable subtasks.
AI Governance Fellowship ⤴
An online AI Governance fellowship for individuals who are interested in applying humanities and social sciences in AI
The Africa Oversight ⤴
An AI Safety Coalition dedicated to advancing the fairness and integrity of AI technologies in the Global South
The Working Group ⤴
A collective of dedicated individuals and organizations committed to fostering ethical AI practices, encouraging research, and addressing the societal implications of AI across Africa and largely the Global South.
Economic Impacts
AI Alignment
Responsible AI
AI Alignment
Enhancing AI technical capacity in Africa through education and training initiatives.
Researching and formulating policies and governance of AI in Africa.
Economic Impacts
This research explores the potential disruptions and opportunities AI may create for employment.